on Destination Addresses of On-file Documents and On-file Forms
JASO Engine Oil Standards Implementation Panel
2-16-1 Hinode, Funabashi, Chiba 273-0015 Japan
Japan Lubricating Oil Society c/o Business Department
Tel: 81-47-433-5181 Fax: 81-47-431-9579
URL: http://www.jalos.or.jp/onfile/
on Test Methods (JASO Standards)
Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. (JSAE)
Publishing Team
Publishing, E-NET & Professional Development Group
5 Bancho Center Building 5F
10-2, 5 Bancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
102-0076 Japan
Tel: 81-3-3262-8215(Direct) Fax: 81-3-3261-2204
on Standard Reference Oil
Japan Lubricating Oil Society
Technical Center
2-16-1 Hinode, Funabashi, Chiba 273-0015 Japan
Tel: 81-47-433-5181 Fax: 81-47-431-9579
on Test Engines and Parts
336, JASO M 354 and JASO M 362 (N04C engine/parts)
Hino Motors, Ltd. Corporate Sales & Marketing Div
3-1-1, Hino-dai, Hino-shi,
Tokyo 191-8660 Japan
Tel: (+1)81-42-586-5667 Fax: (+1)81-42-586-5086
JPI-5S-55-99 (Hot tube test, HTT)
- Nikko Create Co., Ltd.
Ninagawa Factory Industrial Equipment Department
188 Onoguchi machi, Tochigi shi
Tochigi, 323-0065, Japan
Tel: 81-282-20-1170 Fax: 81-282-20-1157
on Overseas Related Test Methods
Information on ASTM Test Methods and Test Implementation Organization
ASTM International
100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, U.S.A.
Tel: (+1)610-832-9585 Fax: (+1)610-832-9555
Website: http://www.astm.org
e:mail: service@astm.org
Information on CEC Test Methods and Test Implementation Organization
Interlynk Administrative Services Ltd
P.O. Box 6475, Earl Shilton
Leicester LE 9 9ZB, United Kingdom
Tel: (+44)1455-821993 Fax: (+44)1455-821994
Website: http://www.cectests.org
e:mail: cecinfo@interlynk.co.uk